​About MACoM
Mikvah immersion can be a comfortable and private ritual that is contemporary and tangible. At MACoM, ceremonies are available for traditional and non-traditional immersions, with directions to help shape, guide, personalize and maximize the mikvah experience. In addition to traditional uses, immersion in a sacred space can be a powerful personal, spiritual experience for anyone in need of healing or in a life transition. Educational offerings explore the tremendous meaning and value within the modern mikvah.
The mission of the Metro Atlanta Community Mikvah (MACoM) is to provide a safe, sensitive, welcoming, halachic and aesthetically beautiful environment for Jewish ritual immersion and conversion, allowing for ongoing fulfillment of spirituality, Torah awareness, healing and wellness.
Core Values
Social Responsibility – We make an ancient Jewish ritual modern and available to all Jews regardless of gender identity, denomination, race or ethnicity. We are a convener for important issues for women because of the historic role of the mikvah, and we are a voice for inclusion and welcoming, inspiring others to do the same.
Excellence – We engage fully in ethical dialogue, maintaining the highest aesthetic and ritual standards.
Collaboration – We foster a growing community of vibrant partnerships that embrace cultural sensitivity, diversity and inclusivity.
Leadership – We inspire and train mikvah guides that occupy a unique and privileged position of trust and “quiet” influence.
Innovation – We shape the immersion experience to satisfy the individual needs of our guests. Tradition and modernity merge together to create the optimal environment for spiritual meaning, healing and renewal.
MACoM will:
Operate and maintain a beautiful mikvah, a space for ritual immersion, serving the needs of many different segments of the Jewish community by attaining the highest halachic standards in its construction, but being open to a range of innovative and traditional practices in its use.
Create a welcoming space for all individuals.
Help Jews across the spectrum of observance find meaning in traditional uses of mikvah, including brides and grooms, women exploring monthly immersion (niddah) and for those who prepare for Shabbat and holidays by immersing.
Foster new uses for mikvah for the 21st century Jewish community, such as healing rituals after illness or loss, or marking joyous moments like Bar/Bat Mitzvah or anniversaries.
Design innovative educational programs to serve the wider Jewish community.
Introduce and de-mystify ritual immersion to Jews who wish to broaden their knowledge of this spiritual practice.
Train professionals and laypeople in the community to guide others in meaningful use of the practice of mikvah immersion.
Serve as a meeting place where Jews of many different orientations can find common ground and purpose.